The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has ordered hundreds of millions of hollow point bullets. They don't have enough in their budget to pay for this order, so that's why we're seeing the National Weather Service put in an order for over a hundred thousand, among other federal agencies. Notice these are not for the military, nor are they target rounds. Hollow points are not 'target' rounds. So, it begs the question...why does an agency that is meant to protect us from terrorism need hundreds of millions of bullets?
In certain areas of the country the military is carrying out training exercises with fully armed and equipped troops on the streets of our towns, instead of on their bases. When asked by local citizens why they are on their streets with full armament, they simply reply they are just following orders. Sounds like something I read about during a trial that took place in Nuremberg, Germany several years ago. So, it begs the question...why is our military, which exists to protect us from foreign enemies, conducting training exercises in the streets of America?
Seems an Akula class submarine from Russia cruised around the Gulf of Mexico for a month, UNDETECTED, by our naval forces. This type of submarine is equipped with cruise missiles and is verified as having nuclear capability. So, it begs the question...why does our current administration think it's a good idea to severely cut military spending?
In July, a Russian bomber made it into California air space before being intercepted by two of our fighter jets. So, it begs the question...why does our current administration think it's a good idea to severely cut military spending?
In June, several Russian attack aircraft flew into Alaska airspace while conducting war simulations. So, it begs the question...why does our current administration think it's a good idea to severely cut military spending?
An idiot goes into a Christian based foundation with 15 Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and shoots a black security guard because he doesn't agree with their politics. Hardly a peep is heard from the mainstream media about can't find Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton with a search warrant....and the FBI is wondering whether to charge him with terrorism, a hate crime, or just aggravated assault. Meanwhile, Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A is crucified from coast to coast and border to border by every liberal media channel, mayors of major cities, as well as the gay community. The shooter in D.C. was a volunteer for gay rights. So, it begs the question...if it's okay to vilify and harangue one group, why is the other side of the coin ignored when it comes to shooting a black man working in a building that is actively Christian?
Joe Biden has been sent back to Delaware to cool his tongue. Seems as if the Vice President is more of a liability on the campaign trail than he is when he's locked up inside his palatial estate where he can't talk to anybody. What a week he had. "Gonna put ya'll back in chains." While in Virginia..."We can win North Carolina again!" He's a gaffe machine. What an embarrassment. Remember when the Democrats used the line that Dan Quayle was only a heart beat away from the Presidency? So is Joe Biden. So, it begs the question...regardless of Obama's abysmal record as president; why would people still want to vote for him when an idiot like Biden is just a heartbeat away from the Presidency?
Some guy in Texas made it into my personal Hall of Fame. He re-configured an electronic road sign to read...WARNING! ZOMBIES AHEAD. Gotta love it.
Have a great weekend.
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