Saturday, April 20, 2013

What Breeds REAL Homegrown Terrorism?

These two Chechen monsters who bombed the Boston Marathon and killed the MIT Police officer, and wounding another, were not homegrown terrorists. They were 'Islamist' terrorists from another country who were radicalized by as yet unknown persons. But, since one of them left our country for a six month period, it can be speculated that he received his 'bomb' and 'terrorist' training while there.

The liberal media was quick to point fingers at possible right wing extremists, tea party members, or anyone domestic that didn't agree with their socialistic and big government agendas. When everything started to come out in the wash, they ended up with large amounts of egg on their faces.

I am not so naive as to believe there are no domestic terrorist types in this country. There are. Not only that, there always will be John Wilkes Boothe types in our nation who allow their common sense to be overridden by their emotions, religion, and personal political stances.

But, what drives these people? I take Timothy McVeigh as a case in point. McVeigh and Terry Nichols were homegrown, American men who committed one of the most heinous crimes in recent memory. Using a truck filled with fertilizer, they blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing many men, women and children. Their method was evil, vile and both got what they deserved. Having said that, the reasoning they used to strike back at the government was well placed. How they struck back was not.

Yesterday, April 19, marked the anniversary of the end to the Branch Davidian stand-off in Waco, Texas. For 51 days the United States Government trampled and destroyed the civil rights of more than 70 American citizens and, in the end, ultimately had the biggest hand in killing the vast majority of them.

The raid began with horse trailers coming up to their compound and several agents dressed in black and armed to the teeth attempting to storm it. What they got in return was a full blown counter-attack that saw the demise and severe wounding of several ATF agents, as well as some of the Branch Davidians. What followed was a disgusting display of governmental power over its citizens...who were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. It is a well-known fact that the leader of the Davidians, David Koresh, would often go into Waco unattended and that it would have been easy to capture him there. But the government decided to go 'jack-booted storm trooper' on them and got their heads handed to them in return. The 51 day spectacle was gut wrenching to watch and it made me extremely angry at our government and distrustful of their intentions, regardless of what capacity. Since that time, I have been more aware of my rights as a citizen and have studied what the government can and cannot do to us per the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

It was the second amendment that allowed the Davidians to have the weaponry to defend themselves against an unlawful and unconstitutional action on their property...even if it WAS against the United States Government. Granted, the Davidians did have fully automatic weapons that were against the law and they should have been dealt with. But, they should have been dealt with according to the law and in a way that did not jeapordize the lives of everyone living in that compound. Because they weren't dealt with in that manner, but in a manner more befitting the Nazis of old, they had every right to defend themselves with whatever means was at their disposal. David Koresh was an evil person and needed to be taken into custody, but not at the expense of his civil rights and due process. Since the government decided that wasn't necessary, no matter how bad Koresh was...they were worse.

When our government deems it plausible and acceptable to trash the very documents this country was founded upon and put their foot on the necks of citizens and ultimately kill them without due process or any inclination to protect their rights as citizens, the government has no one else to blame but itself when home grown terrorists rise up to fight back. It would be best for them to look in the mirror and assess themselves and their actions, before black listing every group they think are 'subversive'. If they were more interested in protecting us, rather than ruling us, I truly believe the number of 'subversive' groups that exist in this country would dwindle down.

It is not un-patriotic to criticize the goverment when it is wrong. It was wrong in 1993. And it hasn't done much right since that time. Home grown terrorism is mainly a product of the government's own actions against its people. Eventually, a few get very tired of it.

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