Thursday, May 23, 2013

The U.S. Federal Government is Out of Control

The founding fathers of this great nation did everything they could to make sure there were so many checks and balances that the people who lived under it might be safe from tyrannical leadership. They debated long and hard over the separate branches of government and the powers each would have and share. There was no quarter given when it came to keeping the possibility of one government taking complete control and forcing its citizens to become subjects. And for 237 years it has worked. Until now.

Now, we have a president in the White House who was brought up and trained...from a young boy...on communist, socialist and anti-American ideals. He has put Eric Holder as the top law officer in this country...who has a history of anti-establishment activities and even was involved in the take over of a building at Columbia University, wanting the building to be named after Malcolm X. The president comes from Chicago, notorious for decades at being a slime pit of corruption, from the garbage collectors to the mayors. There was a reason why Obama studied, and even taught, the Constitution. He knows it backwards and forwards. But, he doesn't like it, doesn't agree with it, and wants it gone. As Patton read Rommel's book on tank warfare and beat him at his own game, so Obama has studied our Constitution and is now attacking every weak point in its structure that he has found. He is dumb like a fox. Know your enemy is his mantra, and he knows it well.  His personal lackeys in the IRS, the Treasury Department, Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service and the White House, push his anti-American agenda at every turn; while at the same time absolving themselves of knowing anything about anything...ever.

It has come to the point where the United States Government firmly believes it does not have to answer to the American people. If that were not the case, then why did one of the top agents in the IRS plead the fifth in front of those who were elected to represent us and be our voice? Obama, Holder, Lerner and all the rest have snubbed their noses at us and told us that tyranny is not around the corner...only to find out it is raising its ugly head, slowly but surely. How is it that a government designed to be accountable to the people is now accountable to no one? Obama said this is the most transparent government in the history of the country and for some reason is not laughed out of the building. We are at a dangerous crossroads, my friends....and to be complacent about it and to take an apathetic stand is to then get what you deserve. To remain staunchly on your political pedestal just because the president is of your party affiliation is to be almost treasonous to all your American neighbors who share the same ground, the same history, the same love of life, liberty and happiness.

It's time to put away your personal pet projects and issues and pay attention to what is happening. It's time to stop fighting with each other and look to see who the real enemy is. It is, the United States Federal Government. It is the Executive Branch, the Congress and the Supreme Court. It is the IRS, the FBI, the DHS, the CIA and yes, maybe even our own armed forces. For I do not now truly I used to...that they would disobey a direct order to take us down and put us in chains.

It is time to rise up and do what we can right now. It is time to write our congressmen, our senators and even the Speaker of the House and tell them we have had enough of a government that feels it doesn't have to answer OUR questions. It is time for lawful, civil revolt against these pretenders of loving the Constitution and disrespecting our rights as free citizens in a free land. It is time for passive disobedience. And if lawful, civil revolt and passive disobedience will not do it....then it will be time for the gloves to come off. I am not a terrorist and I am not a violent man. But I will not be anyone. I will not be herded, cajoled, dictated to or coerced to do another blessed thing that infringes on my rights, freedoms, liberties and pursuits of happiness as an invidual. If you wish to lie down like a sheep, shame on you. It is better to live one day as a lion, than a hundred years as a sheep. There are worse things than being imprisoned or killed. One of them is to look in the mirror and see a weasely, limp wristed, noodle backboned, sniveling coward looking back at you. That has never happened to me, and if the Lord wills, it never shall.

My government take the fifth when it comes to MY questions? Those are fighting actions, if you ask me. It is answerable to us. Not the other way around. Give me liberty...or give me death. This government's treading on me is over.

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