To many of you this will come as no surprise. There are many of you out there, skulking in the web shadows...that firmly believe I don't get any of it. And, maybe I don't. But that's another post.
Our government is thinking about attacking another country, that hasn't attacked us...has no real impact on our national interests (like Iraq did...I'll explain later)...and possesses no clear side that a reasonable person could classify as 'friendly' to the United States. Syria has long been an ally with, first the Soviet Union and now simply Russia, and Iran. Even China is saber rattling over Obama just thinking about military action.
If we're going to cruise missile Assad over three-hundred people being killed in a chemical attack...then it's only logical to cruise missile everywhere that has three-hundred or more people murdered. Hell, we'd all have to go into our bunkers. We'd be safe at first, because Chicago would take the initial strike. That would be our clue to 'hunker' down.
It was necessary to go into Iraq the second time, and not for WMD's. That was just the excuse. The real reason is Dubya didn't take kindly to Saddam trying to assassinate his daddy. Us Texicans get a little riled when somebody tries to kill our daddy. 9/11 angered the country and there were calls nationwide for some kind of action. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iran were behind the Iraq invasion with their blessing. Not as allies, but for their own interests, of course. We knew Osama was in Afghanistan, and there was a rebel army in the north that was welcoming to our presence. Iraq, however, was the real prize. By getting rid of Saddam, efforts to destabilize the monarchies that surrounded him would be crippled. By keeping these regimes in power, you keep the oil flow going at full speed. Why that's important is in the next paragraph. The first invasion was completely necessary when George the First was in office. In the early 90's, Iraq had not been out of its eight year war with Iran but a little more than three years. This war killed hundreds of thousands on both sides and sent shock waves throughout that portion of the world. From that moment on, the powers that surrounded Iraq were nervous. Then, through the loose lips of one of our ambassadors, Saddam felt like he had a green light to kick Kuwait's tiny hiny. He was angry at the Kuwaiti's...for good evidential reason, it was found out...because they were happily going about the business of conducting directional drilling from their side and tapping into Iraq's oil reserves on that side. An international no-no. When he marched into Kuwait, the red phones in every government mansion across the globe started ringing off the walls.
The lion's share of the world's oil goes through the Persian Gulf. Men rule there with riches that our most vivid dreams can't even conjure. With those riches comes immense power. It is enough power to reach out to the strongest military the world has ever seen and summon it to action. The entire economy of this planet is based on petroleum. If the flow stops...the world's economy stops. It's as simple as that. When the oil starts running out...and it will run out....pray that you will not be alive when that happens. Wars like have never been witnessed before will take place over the tiniest of oil fields. The flow of oil through the Persian Gulf must be protected as a matter of world peace, instead of there being world war; as long as the oil holds out.
So, why Syria? Why do we ring our hands over a civil war that's happening eight thousand miles away? What's the UN for? Why is it the U.S. that has to sail and fly to every crap hole in the world to help people that hate us, don't want us there, try to kill us when we get there, and hate us when we leave? No matter which side we assist? The only reason I can think of is Israel. I read an article yesterday that there's one thing you can't find in Israel right now if you want to buy it. A gas mask. The Israelis have bought them all up and supply can't keep up with demand. Could it be they know something that the rest of us peasants over here don't? There are indications right now that Assad is winning the war. They need to let him do that. The only thing those people respect and understand over there is a strong arm dictator or a king of royal blood that hands down decrees. If the rebels win, there are so many factions among them the killing will only continue until one remains. And, who will that be? Will it be some terrorist madman with his hands on tons and tons of chemical weapons, that evidence now shows was trucked in from Iraq while the impotent UN Inspectors dawdled around and allowed Saddam to move them like puppets? Will it be the opportunity they've been looking for to kill not only three thousand, but three hundred thousand? How can it be good for the rest of the world for Assad to fall, and then be replaced by one ten times more wicked than he?
Obama is taking a big risk if he attacks Syria. The smaller risk is to do nothing, and let the chips fall. They started it...let them finish it, or get finished. It's none of our business. Ya know...maybe I get it after all.
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