Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 1836

This is the day the Alamo fell, 177 years ago. Numbers differ, but approximately 190 men gave their lives so that Texas could be free from tyranny. They were caucasian, Mexican, Scot, English and came from all over the world and from almost every State in the Union. They could have left under a white flag of surrender, but they chose to stay. Bonham returned to the Alamo three times to tell Travis reinforcements would not be coming...and chose to stay. Juan Seguin almost got into a fight with Sam Houston because Houston would not let him join those at the Alamo.

These were men. Men of renown who have gone down in history with the bravest of men. They took up arms against a dictatorial tyrant and shed their blood in defiance so their families and those who came after them could be free. It was men like them that helped make Texas the greatest place to live on earth.

I almost weep when I look around and see what is becoming of the people in this country. The government wants to disarm us. A Florida lawmaker says that people who buy ammo need anger management. Holder says it is Obama who determines which people are entitled to the 2nd amendment. The church is a white sepulchre full of dead men's bones and hell is taking over.

I'm glad I was born in Texas. I fear there is no other State where true liberty is born and bred into its citizens. We have a blood of fire running through us. It's a blood that won't surrender to the ideological weaklings that surround our borders and beyond. It's a blood that shouts freedom for all and sneers at any who would hold us in disdain. It's a blood present day tyrants fear and fear they should. There are pantywaists in every town and city, but they are too few in number here to make a difference.

I am proud of the Alamo and what it stands for. I am proud of the men who believed with all their heart that there are worse things than dying. I am proud to be a Texan. And if you ask me where I'm from, I won't say America or the United States. I'll jut out my chin and say, "I'm from Texas." Davy Crockett said it best when he mounted his horse to leave Tennessee.  He said, "You all may go to hell, but I'm going to Texas." Damned right.

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