One of my FB friends is what I would like to call 'Too Heavenly Conscious to be Any Earthly Good'. It's blah blah blah about all the cushy gushy sloppy Agape love of God. In other words, it's 'milk' and no 'meat'. It's how baby Christians talk, which means this person has never really grown past the diaper stage in their Christianity. For some reason, the Bible isn't enough for this person. Their own personal relationship with God isn't enough. Inspiration MUST be drawn from the likes of Charles Stanley and his ilk. I couldn't help but read the small article posted on this person's FB site that was written by one Shana Schutte. She is the same type of person. It's like the Book of James isn't even in these people's Bibles. The hard words have been taken out and aren't given a second's thought. AND, if you don't agree with them, you are classified as a FOOL, the dust is shaken off their righteous feet, and you are shunned. The below is from the article by Miss Schutte Yer Mouth. Which I wish she would. My comments are in bold print.
A few years ago I started a new ministry feeling like Superwoman. My organizational model was thoroughly developed; I had a solid team behind me, and the vision God had placed on my heart was moving toward total fruition. On top of the it all figured out...and instead of feeling like a servant of God with humility to back it up, she admits to feeling like Superwoman. Great.
But then some unforeseen circumstances caused the bottom to fall out of my dreams. Poor baby.
Everything I had worked so hard for died—and with it, so did my expectations. I stopped believing God had good things stored up for me to accomplish. I stopped expecting yes. Wait a minute. Your new ministry didn't pan out and your spoiled little self began to pout? You stopped expecting God to be everything YOU wanted???? What a tragedy. What a catastrophe. How in the world did she live through this painful and excruciating ordeal?
Maybe you can relate., I can't. What you just described was so high school it made me want to hurl. Maybe you have had some dreams of your own die. You wanted a family; it didn’t happen. You wanted to go to college; you weren’t able. You wanted to be healed from a disease; it hasn’t come about. I don't know where you come from, doll...but if you read a little history and look around, you might notice that life is tough. Oh, and even the Bible says so. You might try reading it sometime.
And like me, your expectations died with your dreams. No, they didn't. I come from a real world with real problems with real heartaches, sacrifices and losses. Obviously, you don't.
One day, as I shared my heart with God, (Why did you do that? He knows your heart. The very hairs of your head are numbered. Your very groanings are interpreted. God doesn't want your words or your platitudes. He wants your love and he wants you to walk by faith.) the following thoughts flooded my spirit and quietly filled me with the hope to continue to expect, to believe that He has good stored up for me, and that just because He has said no once doesn’t mean He will always deny me. Yeah, that's the same thing that Ezekiel said while he was a slave in Babylon. That's what John said while he found himself exiled on an island with a bunch of cutthroats. You see, it ain't about you, darlin'. It's about Him. It's not what YOU want...and it never will be. That's why He's the creator and you're the creature. He's not some cosmic bell boy waiting for you to pull his chain. If you think God's answer can never be NO all the time, then you don't know spit. Try reading the Book of Jonah and get back to me. Idiot.
The numerous times when things haven’t worked out the way you planned has led you to believe that I am opposing you. Your winter came and you believed it would always stay. This is not true. I am for you. If I am for you, who can be against you? The times when your plans have failed, the times when you have experienced road blocks has not meant that I have been against you. Those times have been my times of redirection. I have given you everything you need to succeed. The last sentence here is the kicker. Succeed how? Succeed in the world? Succeed in finances? Succeed by YOUR definition of success? I agree that God is not against his children. But I disagree in the assessment that he's always directing you for your success. He may be directing you for his success in you, but you didn't say that...did you?
I have called you to do great things for me, to bear fruit that will last. I am not opposing you. I am upholding you. I am directing you. Your failures have caused you to stop asking of me. Your disappointment has made you resign yourself to defeat. You have thought, Why ask? I never get what I desire. That's right. You never get what YOU desire unless it glorifies him. If that is a statement you don't agree with, then show me your theology to support your side, and I'll show you the real theology to debunk it. I think it was James that said you don't get answered prayers because you ask amiss. Asking amiss is asking for what YOU want and not what God wants through you.
You may not always get what you want, but you will always receive good. That’s who I am. Even out of life’s difficulties, expect yes. You will ALWAYS receive good???? What planet have you been living on? Haven't read Job either. Sheesh. Expect 'yes'? You and Joel Osteen would get along great. Here's what we should expect from God. His strength during time of trial. His love during times of loneliness. His grace in the valley death. His power when we are powerless. And what does he expect from us? Obedience. Period. If your little ministry went into the was because you weren't being obedient to HIS plan, but to your own. Plain and simple.
Dear One, surrender to what I want. I have given you everything you need to succeed in me. There we go with the word 'succeed' again. Quantify what you mean, dipstick.
It’s time for you to stop looking backward at what hasn’t worked, what has failed and what you didn’t get. It’s time for you to look ahead at what I am doing. Don’t you see that I am at work even now? No, it's like the preacher's call. I got to go, that's all. God never gives us a neon billboard in the sky detailing all his plans. He's God. He doesn't have to and he never does. If he did, we wouldn't have to live by faith, would we? God told Abraham to leave his home and go. He didn't tell him what direction, how far, where water and food was or if there would be any enemies to try and take his life. He just told him to go. And, it was counted to him as faith when he did just that. If you, Ms. Shutte-dumb, claim to be able to see what God is doing and that you can give others insight to his inner workings and plans, then you are a charlatan.
You feel like there are weights tied around your ankles. That you want to run but you can’t. These hindrances are perceived. In me, there are not hindrances. Throw off the idea that I am opposing you. Seek me. Seek my will. Ask for my intervention, my power, ask for my help to accomplish what I have called you to. In me, the answer is always yes. Strike the last sentence and you have the only paragraph that is scriptural in its context. Everything before this paragraph and what was in the last sentence was crap.
When you feel like you don’t have my favor, remember that these are just your feelings. You always have my favor. My plans are to prosper (in what way? Monetarily? Health? If that's what you mean, then it's a lie) you and not to harm you all the days of your life. Expect yes. (Expect to be told no and yes. Expect to be obedient and faithful. The rest will fall into place.
But then some unforeseen circumstances caused the bottom to fall out of my dreams. Poor baby.
Everything I had worked so hard for died—and with it, so did my expectations. I stopped believing God had good things stored up for me to accomplish. I stopped expecting yes. Wait a minute. Your new ministry didn't pan out and your spoiled little self began to pout? You stopped expecting God to be everything YOU wanted???? What a tragedy. What a catastrophe. How in the world did she live through this painful and excruciating ordeal?
Maybe you can relate., I can't. What you just described was so high school it made me want to hurl. Maybe you have had some dreams of your own die. You wanted a family; it didn’t happen. You wanted to go to college; you weren’t able. You wanted to be healed from a disease; it hasn’t come about. I don't know where you come from, doll...but if you read a little history and look around, you might notice that life is tough. Oh, and even the Bible says so. You might try reading it sometime.
And like me, your expectations died with your dreams. No, they didn't. I come from a real world with real problems with real heartaches, sacrifices and losses. Obviously, you don't.
One day, as I shared my heart with God, (Why did you do that? He knows your heart. The very hairs of your head are numbered. Your very groanings are interpreted. God doesn't want your words or your platitudes. He wants your love and he wants you to walk by faith.) the following thoughts flooded my spirit and quietly filled me with the hope to continue to expect, to believe that He has good stored up for me, and that just because He has said no once doesn’t mean He will always deny me. Yeah, that's the same thing that Ezekiel said while he was a slave in Babylon. That's what John said while he found himself exiled on an island with a bunch of cutthroats. You see, it ain't about you, darlin'. It's about Him. It's not what YOU want...and it never will be. That's why He's the creator and you're the creature. He's not some cosmic bell boy waiting for you to pull his chain. If you think God's answer can never be NO all the time, then you don't know spit. Try reading the Book of Jonah and get back to me. Idiot.
The numerous times when things haven’t worked out the way you planned has led you to believe that I am opposing you. Your winter came and you believed it would always stay. This is not true. I am for you. If I am for you, who can be against you? The times when your plans have failed, the times when you have experienced road blocks has not meant that I have been against you. Those times have been my times of redirection. I have given you everything you need to succeed. The last sentence here is the kicker. Succeed how? Succeed in the world? Succeed in finances? Succeed by YOUR definition of success? I agree that God is not against his children. But I disagree in the assessment that he's always directing you for your success. He may be directing you for his success in you, but you didn't say that...did you?
I have called you to do great things for me, to bear fruit that will last. I am not opposing you. I am upholding you. I am directing you. Your failures have caused you to stop asking of me. Your disappointment has made you resign yourself to defeat. You have thought, Why ask? I never get what I desire. That's right. You never get what YOU desire unless it glorifies him. If that is a statement you don't agree with, then show me your theology to support your side, and I'll show you the real theology to debunk it. I think it was James that said you don't get answered prayers because you ask amiss. Asking amiss is asking for what YOU want and not what God wants through you.
You may not always get what you want, but you will always receive good. That’s who I am. Even out of life’s difficulties, expect yes. You will ALWAYS receive good???? What planet have you been living on? Haven't read Job either. Sheesh. Expect 'yes'? You and Joel Osteen would get along great. Here's what we should expect from God. His strength during time of trial. His love during times of loneliness. His grace in the valley death. His power when we are powerless. And what does he expect from us? Obedience. Period. If your little ministry went into the was because you weren't being obedient to HIS plan, but to your own. Plain and simple.
Dear One, surrender to what I want. I have given you everything you need to succeed in me. There we go with the word 'succeed' again. Quantify what you mean, dipstick.
It’s time for you to stop looking backward at what hasn’t worked, what has failed and what you didn’t get. It’s time for you to look ahead at what I am doing. Don’t you see that I am at work even now? No, it's like the preacher's call. I got to go, that's all. God never gives us a neon billboard in the sky detailing all his plans. He's God. He doesn't have to and he never does. If he did, we wouldn't have to live by faith, would we? God told Abraham to leave his home and go. He didn't tell him what direction, how far, where water and food was or if there would be any enemies to try and take his life. He just told him to go. And, it was counted to him as faith when he did just that. If you, Ms. Shutte-dumb, claim to be able to see what God is doing and that you can give others insight to his inner workings and plans, then you are a charlatan.
You feel like there are weights tied around your ankles. That you want to run but you can’t. These hindrances are perceived. In me, there are not hindrances. Throw off the idea that I am opposing you. Seek me. Seek my will. Ask for my intervention, my power, ask for my help to accomplish what I have called you to. In me, the answer is always yes. Strike the last sentence and you have the only paragraph that is scriptural in its context. Everything before this paragraph and what was in the last sentence was crap.
When you feel like you don’t have my favor, remember that these are just your feelings. You always have my favor. My plans are to prosper (in what way? Monetarily? Health? If that's what you mean, then it's a lie) you and not to harm you all the days of your life. Expect yes. (Expect to be told no and yes. Expect to be obedient and faithful. The rest will fall into place.
By Shana Schutte
MARCH 5, 2013
Wow,, there sure is lot of judgment and venom being spewed here against someone I bet you've never met.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to condemn Ms. Schutte for straying from biblical principles or truth, how do you justify blasting her in public like this rather than following the dispute resolution prescriptions outlined in Matthew 18?
Whether your position is right or not (and I don't think it is), your behavior isn't very Christ-like. Sad.
I don't have to meet Schutte to critique her doctrine or her 'dreamy' view of God being a cosmic bell boy for her. The judgment comes from Matthew 7. The venom comes from having been 'charlatanized' by the likes of her in the past. She is a public figure involved in a public ministry spouting off her words in a public way. And, what Bible do you read? It isn't THE Bible. Jesus referred to the their face....that they were liars and hypocrites. We cannot judge someone's eternal condition, but we can certainly judge their actions and their words. (i.e. liars and hypocrites). It is people like you who allow this kind of tripe to perpetuate in our churches, effectively turning them into 'feel good' places instead of institutions for carrying out the divine mandate. If you want to talk about something sad, then that's sad. Edmund Burke said that as the church goes, so goes the world. So, you want to know the condition of the church? Just look at the world. Or, would that be too judgmental for you? It's time for men and women of God to stand up and start preaching the blood instead of this crap that comes from Schutte and her ilk. And if you aren't prepared to do that? Then that's the saddest part of all.
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ReplyDeleteThis person needs to be exposed. She perverts the Gospel daily on her self aggrandizing blog where promotes her spiritual superiority to others. Her recent blog post literally made me want to throw up. She has alluded to this type of heresy before by claiming to have personally received special revelation from God by denying the sufficiency of Scripture. I attempted to respond but unless you have something flowery to say about Ms. Schutte she will delete your comments and not allow them to post to the comment section of her blog. She is a false teacher. Please avoid her. Weak hermeneutics + flawed concept of biblical revelation = dangerous “God told me” theology. [in reference to this:] In obedience to Christ, I will continue to expose her for the sake of the flock.
ReplyDeleteShana Schutte: Since you keep deleting my comments, I will post them here. You are deceiving many by your mystical interpretation of Scripture. God makes Himself known to us through His Word, ONLY. Please see Hebrews 1:1-2: Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, BUT IN THESE LAST DAYS he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world." You deny the Supremacy of Scripture when you claim God has told you things apart from Scripture. Sola scriptura (Latin ablative, "by Scripture alone") is the Christian doctrine that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of doctrine and practice. Anything short of this has already been deemed Heresy. The Canon is closed! The truth is, there is no fresher or more intimate revelation than Scripture. God does not need to give private revelation to help us in our walk with Him. “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16–17, emphasis added). Scripture is sufficient. It offers all we need for every good work.
ReplyDeleteHer response AFTER deleting my comment: "Thanks for your comment. You and I are in agreement. Anything God has said in Scripture should never be contradicted by what we think God has said or by any personal experience. There are two camps of Christians: those who believe the Holy Spirit speaks to them, convicts them of sin, guides them, leads them, teaches them, and reminds them of what God has said, as promised in the book of John and in Romans while still agreeing with Scripture.
ReplyDeleteThere is another camp that doesn’t believe the Holy Spirit is still speaking through Scripture and also through the voice of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit will never contradict Scripture). It sounds like you and I disagree that the Holy Spirit speaks to people, but we do agree in the Supremacy of Scripture. Again, no personal experience should ever contradict Scripture.
So it sounds like we agree on one point and disagree on another and we probably won’t change one another. I imagine we do agree that Jesus Christ is Lord, Scripture is Supreme, that He died on the cross for our sins.
I won’t get on a debate here as it’s unwise on a written platform to do so. Written exchanges over hot topics rarely shows the world what Christ’s love looks like (2 Timothy 2:14). If you want to send me a personal note to, we can set up a time to talk by phone. I would be happy to speak with you.
Many blessings,
- See more at:;" My response that will not appear because she will delete them: "Since when is reasoning for the faith not exhibiting the love of Christ?? Are you saying that St. Paul when he debated the Judaizers and recorded it for all of history to read and study as part of the written word of God that he was being 'hateful'? Seriously? You have a spirit of this age in you that shows us all just how worldly you are. Repent, Shana. God is real and he sees you."
I sent a message requesting direct contact via phone. I will keep you updated on the results.
ReplyDeleteNo word. I sent two personal notes. I don't think she intends to be made available to discuss things. She deleted all comments from the thread.
ReplyDeleteRe the OP: I laughed so hard when I read this. This person claims that "But then some unforeseen circumstances caused the bottom to fall out of my dreams." Those unforeseen circumstances were a direct result of HER sin. It was discovered that she had a number of men (all of which she had lead to believe that they had a shot at being in a relationship with her) giving her money, paying her bills, running her errands, cleaning her house, lending her vehicles, picking her up from airports, storing her furniture for long periods of time. She uses people. esp. men. I have first hand evidence of this. She was confronted yet refused to repent. She is a liar and a fraud and a con-artist at best.
ReplyDelete"I had all but decided that there was no way that God was going to resurrect a desire I believed He had placed in my heart. I was certain it had died." - See more at:
ReplyDeleteFolks, this is heresy. First of all: Where in the Bible are we taught that God places dreams or desires in our hearts? It doesn't. Why are we falling for this CRAP? This is man-centered filth.
Also, this person does not realize that these inaudible reactions to her own thoughts are just that: Her own thoughts. The Canon is CLOSED. Shana Schutte is a false teacher.
You all make me so heart breaks for you. When Hope becomes heresy and grace becomes a lie--what do you have? Love your neighbor as yourself. Surely you can't argue with that truth. Praying for you and all of us as Christians to not only know truth, but the God of truth, love and mercy. God bless you.
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DeleteDisplaced sympathy. You shouldn't feel sad for people obeying the biblical command to expose false teaching, you should feel angry at someone openly teaching a false Gospel. It has become heresy to point out heresy. Now that is sad!
DeleteThis is the problem: Sentimentalism/Mysticism masquerading as Christianity. We are called to be Apologists [to strive and contend for the faith - Shana believes this is unloving because Jesus would never do that *sarcasm]. She accuses the brethren of being "unloving" when they confront her about the false gospel she preaches. She believes that Christianity is about her and her "love affair with her boyfriend, Jesus". Our salvation is not about us, it is about the power of God being demonstrated in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is about HIM, not you, Shana. Get over yourself! Shana does not have a biblical definition of love. She thinks that the loving thing to do is to agree with her and only speak flowery praise to her [Put that to the test. Challenge her on her blog - she will delete it and block you. You are only allowed to give her compliments]. Why? Because she believe that she is the center of the universe and not God. The greatest act of love I can do for her is confront her and make her feel uncomfortable for the sake of the Gospel. Shana perverts the gospel and I won't allow that. Why? Because a perverted gospel won't save. I love lost people, too much. We are called by the Word of God to confront, condemn and call out people like Shana. I loathe people like her because she would rather people worship her and adore her than know the true God of Scripture. She is hostile to GOd and must repent!