Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Are You So Heavenly Conscious You're No Earthly Good?

That's a question every Christian should ask themselves. You see, not everyone is like you. There's a lot of people that don't know the Bible. They don't understand what prayer is. When you talk about spiritual things they have no clue what you're talking about. The word 'amen' might as well be greek to a lot of people for all it means to them.

I remember a pentecostal preacher came to my house one day and wanted to visit. I let him in, and let me preface this little story by saying he didn't know who I was, if I was a Christian...a church goer...a learned man or a third grade dropout. The conversation went something like this....

Preacher: Well, bless God; I'm so glad, bless God, that I have the opportunity today, bless God, to visit with you and talk about, bless God, the Holy Word of the Bible.

Me: Uh-huh.

Preacher: Bless God, how long you been livin' in (name of town), bless God?

Me: Before I tell you that, I have a question.

Preacher: Go ahead, bless God.

Me: Is that how you talk at your wife...your children? Because if you say it is, I'll know you aren't telling me the truth. Nobody talks like that all the time. And, if you do, you need therapy.

I promise that's how it went. What if I had been a person that had never darkened the door to a church in my life? What if I had no idea what the word 'bless' really meant and why God needed it more than me? What's wrong with starting a conversation out about how hot it is or how the game went last Sunday or even about the dog they have? And what's wrong with talking like regular people and about regular stuff before you start freaking them out with all the 'blessings' you are about to 'amen' bring to them?

I wish I had a dollar every time I was at a funeral when some Christian would walk up to the bereaved and say something stupid like, "Well, they're in a better place now." I have news for you...they don't care. At that very moment they are hurting and they are suffering loss and anguish and they couldn't give two hoots in hell about your assessment of the situation. What they would really like is for someone to just be there for them and maybe keep their pie hole shut...for once.

The friends of Job get a lot of grief for not being much help to him after he had lost EVERTHING. But, I'll tell you the beginning they knew how to be real friends. For an entire week they sat with him and kept him company and not once during those seven days did they open their trap. It wasn't until they started talking that their true idiocy came out.

Sometimes we can do more in the service of God by keeping our lips together than we ever can by spouting scripture and giving devotions or some type of moral platitude. I swear, it's like Christians never read the Bible. Or, they only take out what sticks to their ribs the best and leave the rest to stew in obscurity. The shallowness of those who make up the church today boggles my mind.

The only way a Christian can constantly talk only of God, only of the Bible, only of prayer, only of the Sunday sermon, only of the study group, only of the daily devotional, only of the revival and only of church related things is by ONLY associating with those of likemindedness and speaking to the same kind of people in the same kind of disgusting rut. You weren't called to be the church in the church. You were called to be the church in the WORLD...where lost people are. Speaking to them in a language they can understand, about things that are real to THEM, about their trouble, trials, tribulations, heartaches and for once listening to them instead of yapping about your God and his salvation and his holy Word. For if you come to them on their ground, loving them where they are as they are....they will see Him in you for what He really is and who HE really is and at the precise moment the Spirit has them prepared to receive it, He will give you the freedom to speak it and win that person over.

So, get off of Facebook with all your Christian friends trying to out-holy each other and go to where the true need is for all that spirituality that seems to be leaking out of your pores and put it to good use where it needs to be. Read the part where Jesus was breaking bread with the publicans and the sinners and eating with them and drinking with them and being with them. He wasn't glad handing with the church folk of his day...he went where he was needed. Otherwise, the answer to the blog title's question is plain to see. You're too heavenly conscious to be any earthly good and God might as well take you out of it right now.

And keep your comments about me to yourself. I've been out there and risked my life on more than one occasion and I've stood behind the sacred desk and been skewered enough times to be called Brother Shishkabob. I've been where the demons are and have beaten the bushes in the highways and the byways. When you've done all that, then come back and talk to me. Otherwise, take a cue from Job's friends and shut your mouth.

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