Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is the Church of Today Defensible?

It depends on which church you are talking about. I'm not speaking of denomination, such as Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, etc. I'm talking about the true church...the real church...the bonafide church.

My belief in what that church is, is this. It is the church that believes in the fundamentals of the faith. By fundamentals, I mean the church that believes the Bible is the inerrant, supernaturally inspired Word of God; that Jesus is the only way to salvation; that he died for man's sins and rose physically alive from the grave and now stands at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf as THE high priest; that he was born of a virgin to prevent sin passing from Joseph to him, allowing him to be the perfect sacrifice for us all; that all have sinned and need the salvation that Jesus brings; and that there are none that do, not one. That isn't all of them...but it's the most important ones.

I firmly believe we are living at the threshold of the last days. I could write a set of books on why, but it would bore most people and that isn't the purpose of this post. According to Revelation, the prevailing church in the last days will be exemplified by Laodicea. The one that was rich, increased with goods and had need of said they. However, Christ admonished them as being poor, wretched, blind and naked. He even called out to the individuals of the day, knowing the church of Laodicea was a lost cause. In the previous six letters to the churches, he called out to them as a whole. That's how bad the last church age will be and, in my opinion, is right now.

Edmund Burke was quite correct when he said, "As the church goes, so goes the world." The reason that is true comes from Jesus himself. He said the chuch was the salt...the preservative...of the Earth. If you don't think this planet is spoiled beyond the church's repair, then please pass that joint your's good stuff. Peter said the judgment of God begins with the church. Yet, there are 'Christians' lined up to point the finger elsewhere and have don't have the good sense to judge themselves. The world is lining up to worship a man...a man they believe can lead them to some kind of universal peace and prosperity. If you don't believe that, then you haven't been watching American politics for the last five years and need to come out of that cave you've been living in. Barack Obama is the precursor, the trial balloon, the test case of the devil and those he controls. Yes, this world is ripe for a government of one who will be the unholiest of them all. And whose fault is it? Not the sinner's. It's the fault of the predominant church of today. For if it weren't ruined to the core, then neither would the Earth be ruined.

In the letters to the churches in Revelation, one can glean that the true church will still exist alongside Laodicea in two categories, but they will be the vast minority. One is the church of Smyrna, the persecuted church. There are people all over Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union who die every day and lose all they possess every day for their beliefs in the fundamentals of the faith. Then there is the church of Philadelphia, the evangelistic church. This is the one who realizes what the Great Commission was and is all about. They are mission minded, witness minded, and fierce as lions over meat when it comes to spreading the message of Christ. But, alas, they are too few. However, even now, the true church in China is sending missionaries to predominantely muslim countries with the Word. They haven't forgotten their own, though. The Word is spreading in China at a rate that is very worrisome to their godless government.

The problem with the Philadelphia church in places like China, is they don't have the resources like the church in America does. But, the church in America is more like Laodicea than Philadelphia. Oh, there are pockets of the Philadelphian church here, but the number pales in comparison with the Ed Young churches and the Joel Osteen churches and the Charles Stanley churches. Mega churches care more about spending the riches they bring in to continue being mega. If you go to one of these they have saunas and gyms and weight rooms and swimming pools and Starbucks and McDonalds and little shops and stores. A lot of them are a city unto themselves to serve those who come in and open their wallet to be the church in the church. The pastors in these churches are more interested in remaining famous and selling their books than preaching the blood. The blood is nasty and uncomfortable and doesn't bring in as much money as the message of 'You're okay and they're okay and everybody's okay and all you have to do is believe in your inner strength and that will make everything double and triple okay.' It's an abomination to the nostrils of God.

Instead of standing up on your hind legs and defending this whore, everyone who claims to be a Christian should fall prostrate and cry for forgiveness at being a part of this evil that has crept in and taken God's house and His people captive. If Jesus were here today, before the dispensation of God's grace fell over us like an umbrella of protection from his wrath, I submit to you He would fashion a whip and drive everyone out of His house. Is the Church of today defensible? Don't make me laugh.

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