I don't watch the Oscars. All this is about is a bunch of elitist, millionaire plus people who 'award' each other for doing a good job. It's a wonder they don't all leave with broken arms from patting themselves on the back for three hours. Anyway, I digress.
Millions of Americans....for some odd reason...find Oscar Night an activity to watch. Who am I to say they are wrong? So, with my keen insight on these types of things, I shall put on my Karnak the Magnificent hat and divine the winners of tonight's Oscar presentations...in the major categories only, of course. Here goes.
Best Picture: This one goes to Ben Affleck's 'Argo'. Sharply made movie with lots of tension. Not historically accurate...which irks me about Hollywood...but a well directed film that shows the best side of people when the chips are down.
Best Actor in a Leading Role: This will be awarded to Daniel Day-Lewis for his portrayal of Lincoln. Didn't like the movie, the script, the plot line, etc etc, but since everyone is proclaiming this film as the be all end all of moviedom, nobody else stands a chance.
Best Actress in a Leading Role: I don't agree with euthenasia nor a film being a proponent of euthenasia. However, on purely 'acting' merit, I think the award will go to Emmanuelle Riva. Amour is a depressing picture, but it accurately depicts the gripping issues that people have to cope with when a loved one is desperately ill. Riva did an outstanding job and this will probably be her last chance to win. The old girl is getting up there.
Best Director: Again, this will go to the director of Lincoln simply because it's Steven Spielberg and the movie was the much heralded Lincoln. Spielberg is indeed the consummate filmmaker. Even though my favorite directors are the Cohen brothers. He has a resume' second to none and his movies are almost always the stuff legends are made of. Unfortunately, this one will be included in that long line and undeservedly so...in my humble opinion.
Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Tommy Lee Jones in Lincoln, simply because it was the movie Lincoln.
Best Actress in a Supporting Role: I'm going out on a limb here and will say that Sally Field will NOT get the Oscar for her role in Lincoln. Mainly because I'm sure nobody wants to hear "You like me! You really like me!", again. I really liked Helen Hunt in The Sessions but I don't know if she has enough political capital in Hollywood to grab the prize. I think it's going to go to Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables. We'll see.
Cinematography: In my opinion this one has to go to Claudio Miranda for Life of Pi. Excellently done. If it goes to Lincoln that would be nothing more than a 'reach around' for Spielberg. 95% of the scenes were in dim lighting and absolutely colorless.
Costume Design: Hands down, must go to Paco Delgado for Les Miserables.
Writing (Adapted Screenplay): Will probably go to Argo.
Writing (Original Screenplay): Should go to...and will probably be the only one they get....Zero Dark Thirty.
And finally...even though there are several more categories....
Visual Effects: Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer and Donald R. Elliott for Life of Pi. Prometheus effects were pretty good, but the idiocy of the story will knock them out.
So, there you have it. Remember, you heard it here first.
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