Saturday, June 15, 2013

If You Listen to Glen Beck...Please Stop.

If there was ever a blight on conservative talk radio it has to be Glen Beck. I think the best way to describe him would be to picture a lamprey eel with the face of Glen Beck. He's not only sucking money out of those of you who listen to him, he's also sucking on your brain, taking as much grey matter from you as he can. I turned on my radio yesterday and it happened to be on a station that sometimes peaks my interest and his show was on. It is plain to 'hear' that he's either borderline neurotic or dumb as a fox; or both.

When I got home I did a little internet snooping on this dude and found out quite a bit. This guy's mind is as mixed up as a bowl of trail mix. While he espouses limited government, less taxes, more freedoms and liberties, etc etc...all the things I am for....Glen Beck, in my opinion, is really not for any of those things. Glen Beck is for...well...Glen Beck.

He comes from a family of suicides and alcoholism. Beck, by his own admissions, was a drug addict, alcoholic, mental case, himself a suicide contemplator, and went through the gamut of religions until he found the one that makes the least sense but offers the greatest amount of support if you get in good with it, and that's Mormonism. If one truly goes into the Book of Mormon and performs an honest investigation, (as I have done), they will find a plethora of nonsensical gibberish as well as a poor writing style. The Book of Mormon talks about mountain ranges and rivers and other geographical locations in North America that don't exist. They simply don't exist. It talks about these major cities that existed, but we can't find one shred of evidence they were ever here. I could go on and on, but for a man like Glen Beck....who claims to be this investigative genius into all the ills in our country and espouses himself as one who is leading the attack for all things 'good' and 'benevolent', he has proven...simply by his association with the Mormon Church, that when it came to the religion he was going to stake his life and eternal soul to....he didn't do one thing to really check them out. The Bible says in Revelation to not add one thing to its contents, yet the Mormons claim their book is the latest addition. Hmmmm.  While you can't find any archeological evidence to prove anything the Book of Mormon says, in and around the Levant (Israel), they are still digging up items that prove the Bible is historically, geographically and archeologically correct. One can bathe in the Jordan River or fish in the Sea of Galilee. You can walk the streets of Jerusalem and visit the ruins of Jericho. Want to visit any of the places mentioned in the Book of Mormon? You can't find any of them with a federal search warrant.

The traits he exhibits on his show are all stolen from other tried and true presenters on the radio and television. He has said several outlandish things on the air and then had to backtrack and apologize. He's a bigot and a charlatan, in my mind, and has found his niche to riches by preying on those of us who 'honestly' believe America is being taken over by those who wish to strip her of her wealth and prominence in the world.

Glen Beck's message is one that needs to be shunned by all conservatives. I honestly believe he is a devious human being who wishes to instill fear among his listeners in order to gain more and more personal wealth. While I am not against having extensive personal wealth, I do have a problem with the way he's going about it. 

So, if you listen to Glen Beck and you like him, that's your prerogative. However, I would ask you to do a little research, find out more about this man, and then make a choice that is based on the complete picture of him. He should not be in the position he is in now, in my opinion, and to listen to his drivel is to pollute your mind. My advice? If you turn on your radio and you hear his voice....go to Rock 'n Roll. It will be more uplifting and will probably contain more truth in the first line of the song you hear than if you listened to Beck for a  year. Just sayin'.


  1. I was with you until you started bashing Mormonism, at which point everything went ignorant. I'd recommend giving the Book of Mormon a second read before discussing it in the future.

  2. Brian, thanks for the reply. Beliefs are that which people put their entire trust and faith in. It is something concrete in their heart. When one disagrees with a belief system, regardless of does not make them ignorant. It only means they are diametrically and peacefully opposed to that particular system. When I post something that disagrees with anything, I have my reasons. I need no further reading of the Book of Mormon. If you can take me to the latest archeological site that confirms the tome...or to one of the mountain ranges or rivers it states exist on the North American continent, I will be happy to give it another read. Until then, I respect your right to believe what you will. Even if I think it is wrong, I will never label you as ignorant. I hope you keep reading the blog...and thanks again.
