Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Little Things

In the Old Testament, the Song of Solomon has a verse that has been proven true in my life more times than I can count. It is a simple saying, which is why the truth of it is so profound for me.

"It is the little foxes that destroy the vine."

Cute, eh? No, it is a dire warning to us all. Another saying that goes along the same path as this would educate us to the fact that one too many straws will break the camel's back. A straw is a small, inconsequential thing in and of itself. But when several strands are placed together and twisted, many now working as one, the straw transforms into a rope. Pile up enough of them, and their weight is unbearable by any animal.

From the time we began to interact with humans outside the confines of our family home, we have been blindsided from one direction or another. A friend betrays you. Another person secretly talks about you to build themselves up. A boyfriend or girlfriend dumps you. All these things have taken us by surprise. And yet, we don't learn. We never learn.

It isn't the big things that kill ya. It's the little things that you're not watching for that pile up and pile up until the camel's back breaks. Except in this particular instance, it isn't a camel's vertebrae we're talking about...it's mine and it's yours. While we're so busy watching for that charging elephant, the mice are chewing the wooden floor from under our feet.

The little foxes were nimble enough to climb the vine and eat the grapes that hanged from it. A baby fox is a very cute and cuddly looking animal. If we could, we would take one home and keep it as a pet. It's lovable and soft and pretty. That isn't the type of monster we have our radar set for. We believe the danger most often resides in the ugly, the offensive and what may be considered the dregs of society. Beauty and pleasantness resides in good. The opposite in bad.

And this is why we have troubles in life. If you presently don't have any troubles, I am very glad for you. However, I have bad news. Trouble is coming. I've heard it said that life can be summed up thusly. You're either in a storm, coming out of a storm, or heading into a storm. My experience has convinced me this is a true statement. But, the storms can be controlled sometimes. If we're looking for them in the right places.

The Song of Solomon verse sticks in my mind and I try to remember its words as often as I can. Still, at times I forget and allow the little things to pile on me until the weight is almost unbearable. Right now, I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm headed into a storm. Of what magnitude I don't know. But if I steer this ship correctly, I may not have to face the full brunt of its force. I just have to remember at all times to be vigilant. To realize, every waking moment, that it's the little things that get you. Not the big ones.

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