But, she isn't an English teacher and she doesn't direct our children on how to be good little subjects to the gubment. However, she is a teacher. She is teaching me many things about how this administration views us and themselves. Other than being a disgusting piece of work, she's the poster child right now of what's wrong with this administration.
Lerner comes to the Congressional committee and gives a two minute long statement. She said she did nothing wrong, broke no laws, ignored no IRS policies and basically was still a virgin. Then, she took the fifth. Hmmmm. I haven't done anything improper, but I don't want to incriminate myself. Hmmmmm.
Trey Gowdy, Congressman from South Carolina, is my hero. He doesn't cut these federal munchkins any slack and comes to the hearings better prepared than an eight year old at a spelling bee. After Lerner pulled her Houdini act by claiming innocence and then disappearing under the cloak of the Fifth Amendment, Gowdy tore into her....as he should have. Being a former prosecutor, he knows a little bit about the Constitution and people's rights. He is quite correct that in a court of law one cannot make a statement of innocence and then proclaim protection under the fifth. The only saving grace for this....this....woman...is that a Congressional hearing is not a court of law.
Now, she has come forward and said that she will testify in front of the committee, but wants to be granted immunity first. Hmmmm. If I haven't done anything wrong and haven't broken any laws and am still a professing virgin, how can I possibly incriminate myself?
The committee members, as a whole, should take her behind closed doors and say, "Whatcha got?", before they grant her a pass to the women's toilet. The last thing the American people want is for her to get immunity only to testify that it was some rogue, underling agents beneath her who went off the reservation, or that she can't 'recall' or has 'no knowledge' or would 'have to get back to you on that'. Those type of answers aren't worth squat to anybody, especially her. If that will be her answers, then immunity is unnecessary. If that's all she has, then grant her nothing. NOTHING.
The IRS, as you know, is more powerful than the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service, and the armed branches of the military....put together. They can, on a whim, take away your house, your savings, your checking account, your cars, your boat, your dog, your children and that last grain of salt you were hoping to season your dirt with afterwards. And if you don't hide the dirt dinner, they can take that, too. One year we owed the IRS around $2400.00. We were destitute at the time, having to pay for our daughter's medical and doctor bills. So, we asked the IRS if we could pay it off with installments. They said, "Surrrrrrre, no problemo. You can do that. At 24% interest." Grrrrrrr. From that point on, I pay in the maximum amount so I won't have to owe those bloodsuckers again.
What do you think would have happened if I had told them, "Nah, I take the fifth." Or, "Nah, I want immunity from payin' ya." Or, "Nah, I don't want to talk to you." Or, here's my favorite, "Nah, I think I'll send you a penny a year. How 'bout dat?" If I had said any of those things, I would still be sitting in prison somewhere begging the guards to NOT make me take a shower.
These people have risen to the place where they are little gods in their own minds. Hell, they're getting ready to give themselves $70 million in bonuses. "Good job, raping the little people. Here ya go. Have fun with yer bonus." They live in a dream world where they dress up like Star Trek characters and make training videos that have no value as training videos. They have lavish conference after conference after conference, on the nickels they take from me and you. They don't want to hear excuses from us and they don't want us to lie to them and they don't allow us to NOT talk to them when they are after that last corpuscle to suck out of us.
Now, this didn't all start under Obama; even though I would like to blame him for it. This goes way back and that's why the IRS needs to be de-commissioned like some old World War One dreadnaught and put in mothballs. Presidents have used the IRS to foment their own political agenda for decades and to mark those they consider political enemies or hold extremist positions. This has happened under Republican administrations as well as Democrat. The IRS has become the preferred political weapon of the White House and it must go. That's what I've learned from Lois Lerner.
What, Msssss. Lerner? You don't have to answer MY questions when it is painfully obvious there has been some serious impropriety on the IRS' part? None of you have to answer MY representatives questions so I can find out what MY government has been doing wrong? You sanctimonious backbait. What a hyprocrite you are, and the others who were in on this with you. Yes, you sit in your ivory tower like a Nazi, just following orders, at the expense of everyone in this country who pays taxes and thinks....truly believes....we have fair representation. What a crock.
Yes, Lois Lerner has taught me that our government is even more corrupt than I had previously thought. And she wants to get away scot-free. I hope it doesn't happen. I hope they call her in a closed door session and everything said there would be off the record and super secret. And, if she's got nothing but BS to say, then show her the door and file contempt charges on her for what she did in her last appearance.
She has also taught me something else. Those Americans that are on the side of this administration would probably have to hear the concentration camp gate shut behind them before they would get outraged about anything Obama and his thugs do. But, by then...it would be too late.
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them. (Frederick Douglass)
And, he was right.
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