Not only that...but if we don't accept it, do we HAVE to be quiet about it? Let's take religion for example. If I'm a member of the Zodiacal Cosmic Convergence of Sexual Freakoids Baptist Church, there's a reason for it. That reason, or reasons, could be that I firmly accepted the doctrine that when we die, we all go to the planet Ettanerblatternut and become six legged, fourteen eyed, whiskey soaked blubber people who only eat Fig Newtons. Now, on the flip side, I might have an IQ of 190 and work as a physicist who has just proven Einstein's theory of relativity to be a load of crap. So, I'm pretty smart on one end, and kind of quirky on the other. Does that make me ignorant? Does my belief system mean that even though it is out of the mainstream, I must be silent on the belief systems of others?
One of the reasons people get aggravated when their faith is challenged is because they don't know that much about it to begin with. I remember speaking with a man named Elvis one day (no kidding) and he told me he believed in reincarnation. I responded that I thought that was very interesting and asked him how he came to the conclusion that this belief system was for him. I will swear in court that he said, "Oh, I don't just sounds good." He had done no research, no study, no reading up on the subject, yet was willing to stake his eternal condition on something that just 'sounded' good to him.
Paul the Apostle had a word of wisdom for us in this area. He said we, as Christians, should always be ready to make a defense of our faith. I find most Christians woefully ill prepared to do this because they haven't studied, they haven't researched and they haven't 'read' up on what they are supposed to be in the world of Christianity. Paul also showed us that when we do make a defense of our faith in the face of other religions and their philosophies, you might get stoned and thrown out of town. The stoners and throwers are the ones who have no counter-defense and must resort to violence; even if it's just the name calling variety. I know I have already won the argument when the opposition resorts to name calling. They do that...because they have nothing else.
If I am a member of the ZCCSFBC, I must be ready to defend my doctrine. Not only that, I must know what is coming. That is why I study other religions, their books and doctrines so that I might be well prepared and informationally armed to meet the attack. I admire the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses, for when they knock on your door, they are trained combatants. Not only that, they are committed believers in their religion....more so than many mainstream denominations I can mention.
So, if you come to me as a Jehovah's Witness....I'm prepared for you. Four times they have knocked on my door and four times they have walked away with a real Bible instead of their New World Translation fictional version. They have walked away with a renewed outlook on who God really is and that he ISN'T the one in their book. Mormons leave dismayed after I state my case, and wonder whether they have been told the truth by their religious tutors. If you're going to go into the world to ply your faith, be ready for some kickback. The reason is that I don't have to accept your religion and I don't have to be quiet about why I don't accept it. It's not called 'bashing', it's called being ready to make a defense. If that defense is made, and you resort only to name calling, then you have lost the debate and the foundation you believed was so solid has now turned into sand underneath your feet.
On the flip side of the coin, you don't have to believe in the ZCCSFBC and you can reject it and state your reasons for doing so with any style of reckless abandon you choose. If I am firm in my belief and I know why I believe it, it matters not to me what you think. Why should it? And, if you don't accept my belief system, does that mean we cannot be friends and have a civilized discussion about our differences without reverting to a juvenile exchange of name calling?
The muslims certainly don't believe in Christianity, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness (if you weren't aware, there is a definite distinction between Mormonism/Jehovah's Witness and Christianity...if you want to know what that is, get in touch with me), Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism et al, and will kill you for being an infidel. They, also, are well taught and are fanatical about Islam. But, just because they look at the rest of us with hatred, does that mean we must accept their religion as legitimate and be silent? By no means. And, if you are anti-Islam and pro-ZCCSFBC, why is that a bad thing to prefer your beliefs over those of another AND state your reasons for thinking so?
I don't accept liberalism, pro-choice, amnesty for illegals, big government, over-taxation, gay marriage, etc. That doesn't mean that I hate people that are FOR those things or that I am actively trying to prevent those things. It means, as an individual, I have made decisions as concerns what I think makes a better society as a whole and keeps intact the morals and principles that I hold dear. Just like those who are for those things. It doesn't mean we have to be enemies or that we have to throw down the gauntlet and draw swords. It just means we have different perspectives on the same things. That's all it means. No apologies, from either side, is necessary.
The fact is, we have been blessed to be born in a country where we can make up our own minds and set our own course in life. I don't have to accept anything you are for, and you don't have to accept anything I am for. But, at the same time, if I speak out against what you are for, that doesn't make me ignorant, or stupid, or clueless....until you prove otherwise. To come right back and say that I am ignorant, without putting forth a reasonable argument in refutation, with facts....means you just don't get the true meaning of living in a free society. None of us should be immune from having any of our beliefs matter in what area. Dialogue is always good when it is carried out in a mature manner.
So, the answer is, not only do we not have to accept what other people believe, we also don't have to keep quiet about it. And if we do speak up, don't take it personally. Not everybody is going to think Deal with it.
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