Sunday, September 22, 2013

Shut 'er Down

Chicken 'Obama' Little is running around the chicken yard screaming 'The sky is falling! The sky is falling!' about this looming government shutdown and it's all crap. Anyone that knows anything...anything...about the way our government was set up by the founders is that it wasn't supposed to work well to begin with. They knew, as we all should, that a government left to its own machinations will always negatively affect the people it governs; so they put in so many checks and balances and so many branches that could effectively nullify the other with its own set of powers, they felt like they had done a good job of keeping Americans free and their liberties intact. And they did. Until we decided we were more interested in our iPhones and XBoxes than a burgeoning tyrannical government that wishes to turn us into subjects instead of keeping us on as citizens.

I find it so funny when one of these 'elite' Washington insiders says, "We just can't get anything done," when speaking about the two parties fighting and cussing and discussing every whipstitch. That's the point you bunch of dinglefooses. Every time you get something 'done' it costs us in more taxes. WE DON'T WANT YOU TO GET ANYTHING DONE! Idiots. Whenever they DO something, it turns out to be something like Obamacare that ends up costing everybody more money so their newfangled government program can operate for the 'public good'. Whatever.

In case you need a memory surge, check this out. There was a shutdown of the gubment when Bill Clinton was in office. It lasted twenty-one days, from December 16 to January in 1996. The result was the furlough of several hundred thousand federal employees (Yea! We're too bloated with them already) and it affected several layers of the economy, for a short while. But, we're still here, aren't we? We didn't get sucked up into the political maelstrom of black holedness and get turned into zombies, as was probably predicted. Well, most of us didn't. Those that did were Demoncrats.

I say, 'Shut 'er down'. Congress holds the purse strings and they should keep them tight and let the Democratically controlled Senate, led by the odoriferous, Alzheimer's plagued Harry Reid, twist in the wind over it. What we need right now more than anything is for this government to SHUT the hell DOWN. All it does when it's running is impinge on our rights, dig into our wallets, and pass new laws to spy on us instead of the bad guys. With this administration, WE are the bad guys. Every time some wacko nut job shoots a bunch of people, they want to take all of our guns away and we didn't do it. I went to my gun cabinet the other day and yelled at all my guns, doing all I could to infuriate them into striking back. Nothing. I was amazed at how patient and forgiving my guns were at not jumping out of the safe and shooting me dead. I don't understand it.

Continuing to raise the debt limit so the government can keep operating as it like giving a truckload of Twinkies to an obese heart patient. Obama wants more money. How do you think he's going to get it? Hell, he's printing forty billion a month and the government is STILL spending more than it's bringing in. Obama's solution is to raise taxes...AGAIN. Obama's solution is to hire more federal employees, specifically the IRS so it can run Obamacare. Isn't THAT a pleasant thought. Obama's solution is to throw a fifty-five gallon drum of gasoline on a bonfire that's raging out of control. At some point, the crew of this starship has to tell its captain can't fly this thing straight into a star, and then mutiny. Soon, America's economy will collapse under its own weight, and it won't take much longer. The only real way to save this country is to let October 1 slip by with nothing being done. Furlough hundreds of thousands....shut down the spending....let Obama sweat over it....and leave us the hell alone.

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