Thursday, September 12, 2013

What's the Matter, AFL-CIO?

"We have to pass it to see what's in it." That famously idiotic line from Nancy Pelosi is now the booger-bear for unions and I LOVE it. The AFL-CIO has passed a resolution saying, in essence, that Obamacare will be 'highly disruptive' to union health plans. Boo-hoo. Boo-hoo.

How can that be? The unions were the main supporters of their new master, who promised promise on promise about how we would all eat cheese and drink wine and have a doctor in every bedroom and a defibrillator by each bed and if you already like your health plan you can keep it and blah blah blah blah. But now? They're screamin' like stuck pigs now. And, they're saying changes in the law must be made to accommodate their lower wage earner members and they want rules implemented into the law that would treat their multi-employer plans as qualified exchange plans.


The White House has already made exemptions for this brick-a-brack and that one, making this new law a joke from the very beginning. If the rules are changed to accommodate unions, now that they see the new law affects them in a negative way, that should tell us all what Obamacare is really about. Unlike the clueless Supreme Court, a lot of us see this as nothing more than a tax and grab scheme to drain us of our resources even further and to put a lock and collar of control on us that will only get worse in the future.

The unions in this country have had their way for far too long. The arrogance of those running them and those who are members of them know no bounds. OH Yes, Obamacare is good for the rest of us peasants, but not for the unions or their members. Yeah? Well, stew in it.

Unions were a necessary evil at the turn of the last century, but they have done their job and its time for them to GO. I always thought it hilarious that people join unions and pay 'dues' that are just another 'tax' coming out of their paycheck with little representation to show for it. The only time the union leaders stand up and really yelp is when THEIR pocketbook gets hit. Reminds me of Congress.

I thought we were all in this together? Haven't the unions ever heard of give and take? No, they haven't. All they've ever read about is the 'take' part. Well, take this....Obamacare is bad for EVERYBODY who works and pays taxes, union and non-union alike.

If you want to know what the AFL-CIO really thinks, all you have to do is read the first draft that didn't make the cut for political expediency. The first draft said if the rules changes are not implemented to accommodate the unions, then Obamacare should be repealed. Imagine that. The signature piece of legislation that the worst president this country has ever seen passed and hoped to build his legacy a red herring that nobody...NOBODY...wants. Unless you're an idiot. Then, it's a great thing.

I apologize if you're a union member and you don't get your daily bottle from your masters. I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but YOU wanted this. As the old saying goes, be careful what you ask for. You might just get it. I have to go now. I'm laughing too hard to keep typing.

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