Every kid growing up needs to get stung by something....at least a few times. Pain is a great teacher, and when that pain is coupled with a creature that is two hundred times smaller than you and shows no signs of being afraid of that fact, it's even a better teacher.
I've been stung by a lot of things. Fire ants are the worst. This is the only villain I've encountered that has radio communications. If you get into them, they don't start stinging you right away. Oh no. They wait until a whole division has hit the 'beach' and then signal for the simultaneous attack. I've never come out of a pair of pants as quickly as I have when those critters got hold of me. It's an humbling experience.
Wasps are the second worst. I've been stung by the 'red devils', the 'black bottoms' and the guinea wasps. I've been hit by bumblebees, yellow jackets, honey bees and those green and black striped ground hornets.
I've been stung by asps...I hate asps.
I haven't been bitten by too many things. I've been dog bit, cat bit, lizard bit, ferret bit (my brother used to have ferrets...mean little critters), bird bit, human bit (in a fight long ago), fish bit, but never snake bit. Except in life, of course.
There are many lessons one can learn through the experience. One, no matter how big your opponent, you still might be able to whip him out of his pants. Two, no matter how many opponents there are trying to kill you with their poison, you may still come out alive. Three, sometimes, when confronted with superior numbers intent on your personal destruction; the best decision is to run like hell. Four, Watkins Liniment will dull the enduring pain. Five, that which does not kill you REALLY is what makes you stronger. Six, you realize that you can lose the battle, but still win the war. (i.e. pouring gasoline on the offending fire ant bed). Seven, you learn to recognize people who've never been stung in life. They fly off at the slightest thing...are angry about the smallest inconvenience... and they wonder why the world doesn't bow at their feet.
Being stung teaches us to respect others, no matter their stature in society. He who may not appear as one who can assist you on your path, might turn out to be your greatest benefactor...or worst enemy. Don't judge magnitude by its literal size. Just because its small, doesn't mean it isn't worth your attention. Be stung...but not defeated.
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