I've decided to do something I've only done once before. I'm going to defriend somebody on Facebook. I doubt she will care. She is one of the most self absorbed, dictatorially opinionated, smug and over the top persons I've ever known. Face to face, she comes off as someone who is intellectual and has a good head on her shoulders, yet on Facebook she reveals the real she-devil that she is.
I don't do this lightly. I've weighed the options, considered the fall-out and possible negative aspects of doing this. The fact of the matter is...I absolutely loathe her ultra liberal, left wing, non-sensical stands on every...EVERY....issue...whether political, societal or ideological. She's an idiot. I also don't say that lightly. Most people, and I'd say the greater majority I know, have some sense. They have, at the very least, a modicum of intelligence. I have many liberal friends. I have lunch with them, work with them, watch ball games with them, and our families meet sometimes for dinner. We have a great time. I've even had lunch with this...this...woman. As I said, face to face she comes off as someone intelligent. But, she's not intelligent. She's not even close to intelligent. Not...even...close. At the risk of sounding redundant, she's a blithering idiot. A minimum of three villages could use her as theirs should there ever be a shortage of idiots. If we ever have a massive shortage, the maximum would be nearly ten villages. That's how much of an idiot she is.
This stupid stupid person shall not be named. That way I can continue to demean her without threat of lawsuit for slander. She could be the poster child for why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. She could be the very evidence men could use in a court of law as to why women should stay at home and only be seen...and not heard. I would agree with Hillary Clinton on every single issue she raised before I would even sniff in this woman's general direction.
One of the main problems with this country is that it is filled with such idiots. I blame the lawyers. Lawyers have ruined this nation. I was listening to a comedian a few years ago and I was overwhelmed at the logic and came to the conclusion that he had found the answer to why there are so many idiots like this woman thing. It has to do with WARNING labels. The hair dryers have labels that say, "Do Not Use In Shower". Step ladders have signs that say "Do Not Stand On Top of Ladder". Medicine says to not use heavy machinery when taken. All electronic equipment says to not plug into outlet while submerged in water. I could go on and on with all the warnings to keep STUPID people safe. Instead of letting natural selection take its course and wean out the less intelligent of the species, we have allowed stupid people to marry stupid people and breed stupid children that then grow up and propagate the stupidness that is now pervading the country's population.
So, I've had enough. I can't stand to look at anything else she puts up on Facebook. It's too ridiculous and mind bending stupid to put up with. As Popeye said, I've took all I can stands and I can't stands no more. I wish her a happy life, a prosperous life and maybe...sometime in the future...a sparsely intelligent life. I doubt she could get any further than that on the last one. The chick is brainless. Absotively and posilutely brainless.
I will wait three days to defriend this person. If you think it's you...wait until the hatchet falls on Monday, January 14 at 8PM. At that time I will pull the plug. The only regret I will have is that when she discovers that everything she believes in has been built on sand and with a house of cards, I won't be able to see how she tries to explain it all as if she knew it would be that way all along. But, that's a small, itty bitty and tiny regret. The positives will far far outshine that.
I am surprised you did not mention the blame she most probably puts on the other party.....