I was listening to what passes as news this morning, having my cup of joe and minding my own business, when this 'idiot' woman began to vomit her 'idiot' thinking from her brain through her pie hole. The subject was the legalization of marijuana, whether in the 18 States that have approved it to be distributed medically, or Colorado and Washington State that has made it legal recreationally.
From looking at this woman, one could logically deduce the only life she has ever known was in a library or classroom. I doubt she's ever been on a date, much less asked out for one, and I couldn't help but chuckle as she spouted about talking to 'experts' to back up her claims...of which these 'experts' were never named.
I always like that term...expert. How do you get to be an expert on something? I've watched the news before where some guy about 21 years old is heralded as an expert on political conflict engagement between the minorities and police in suburban areas that have low crime rates due to the number of dogs people own vs. the cats they have. I mean...really? You aren't old enough to be an expert on wiping your own ass. But, I digress.
This bloviating blowhard of a woman (of which I am the same thing, but I'm a guy) was talking about how recreational marijuana use will harm the low income and youth...or, the ones who don't have much to do. It will decrease productivity in the work force, she claimed, since they'll be 'chilled out' from THC overload. Let me touch on that. Back in 1979, before drug testing and while I was working at a plant in Houston, I would get high before I went to work. I would show up at 6:45 in the morning and start working at 7. Around 10, I would maintain the high. After lunch, I would do it again. When we were supposed to go home at 3:30, we were usually told that we had to work overtime. During that fifteen minute lull I would get high again. This went on until seven or eight or nine or ten pm. When I got home, I would get my bedtime high and go to sleep. Only to get up and start all over again the next morning. There were several of us that did this, working sixty, seventy and even eighty hours a week. What's funny is we got the product out, nobody got injured, and we were gainfully employed. The only reason I stopped smoking marijuana was because of drug testing. The job was more important to me than the high. For her to also state that only the poor and the young will smoke dope is ludicrous. All people from all walks of life get high. If it's legal, marijuana will be at every party at every level of the financial ladder.
But, what had me chuckling the most at this idiot was when she said that we as a society are responsible for what happens to the lower income people and youth who will be negatively affected by marijuana use. When did this happen? When was "I" responsible...as in my fault if nothing is done about it...for everybody else? Look, guys...I can't take care of 300 million Americans. I know I'm quite the man, but even that is beyond my capability. What she's saying, like so many idiots just like her, is that we need to pour more money at the problem. And where do we get this money? From me and you for the government to spend and spend and spend for social ills that will NEVER go away. Marijuana has been illegal for how long now? There's been a 'war' on drugs for how long now? There's been educational tools, seminars, meetings and films (the most hilarious is Reefer Madness, you should see it some time) about the dangers of drugs for how long now? Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence....We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal. I believe that. But all men and women will not move on from birth to remain equal and it ain't my responsibility to see to it they do. A lot of men and women make bad choices through their lives and end up being unequal on the ladder of life. Some don't get off the first rung, others only make it halfway, and then there are the very very few who climb to the top. Am I an equal citizen to Donald Trump or Brad Pitt? In the eyes of the law and the Constitution I am, but on the rung of financial security, fame, popularity, and status I have not. I can't call a press conference and talk about my root canal...but if these two were to do it the press would show up in droves.
I am responsible for the path I chose. Nobody else is responsible for me and I don't want anybody else to be responsible for me. I have made bad choices in life, and I've made good choices in life and I've made some so-so choices in life. Those choices are what have made me what I am today, for better or worse, and nobody is to blame or get credit for it other than me.
Personally, I think the legalization of marijuana should go nationwide. Thousands of people are being murdered, butchered, tortured, raped and mutilated on the southern border because of America's gluttonous need for drugs. The drug cartels are shipping it over here and making billions of dollars down there. The best way to take their power from them is to compete with them....the good old capitalist method. Just think how much revenue the government could bring in from the taxes. If we ran the drug cartels out of business, think how many lives would be saved down south, and how much money would stay here. There are many...MANY...who would decry this idea and wail and scream and throw accusations at me about the lives that would be destroyed here and how I was heartless to put 'money' in the mix of the decision. My answer to that would be this. Are people not smoking it now? Are people not snorting it now? Are people not making brownies now? Do we not already have a widespread drug problem in this country now? One of the draws to marijuana is the illegality, the excitement of the 'sneak', the getting away with something.
My daughter goes to college and has made friends with a young man she says was high all the time. She never saw him at school when he wasn't high. He made straight 'A's. At the beginning of this semester, she told me he came up to her and wasn't high. He informed her that he was tired of it and decided to quit. There was no pressure, no arrests made and it wasn't that his parents found his stash and threatened to throw him out on the street. What happened was....he grew up. He decided to be responsible for his own actions. Just like I did. I was glad to hear it. There are others, perhaps many, who won't make that 'good' decision. But, that's not my responsibility...it's theirs. We all have choices to make in life. I want those to be free, personal choices...no matter what they are or what they do to the person making them. What I don't want is some liberal thinknik with her unnamed experts telling me or anybody else what choices to make. The government has already started doing that in many other areas of our lives, chipping away at the foundation of our freedoms and liberties until they finally get what they want. A nanny state.
Would be that we still had the mindset of the old settlers moving west. They took responsibility for their own lives and their own futures. Many died along the way from indians, outlaws, disease, starvation, accidents, and weather. I'm glad we didn't have this woman living back then. She would have been at the threshold of the west, warning everyone to not go and urging the government to intervene on their behalf because they were deluded and forcing suffering on themselves.
I guess I only have one thing to say to her, and I wish I could. That would be...."Shut up, bitch."
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