Friday, January 18, 2013

Piers Morgan Go Home

I just finished reading an intolerably long article by Piers Morgan that was published in the UK Daily Mail. Now, for all you libs and gun hatin' types out there that are AMERICAN citizens, please understand this is not directed at you. As a citizen, I firmly believe you have every right to hold your own beliefs and have your own stances about guns in America and lawfully speak out however you choose. You also have the right and Constitutionally protected tools to do what you can to change things in this country. I don't support your side...but I support your right and the right to those tools.

As most of you know, I legally worked and lived in the UK from November, 2007 to November 2009. I went back in August, 2010 and didn't leave from the project that brought me there until April, 2012. First, let me tell you that I fell in love with that country. The place is unbelievably rich in history and tradition. From the coast of southern England to the Scottish Highlands I doubt I have ever seen such resplendent landscapes and lush, beautiful vegetation. The people are extremely friendly and the pub life superb. I made many friends while there and still remain in contact with several of them. I miss England very much...every aspect of it. I would love to live there for the rest of my life.

But, you know what I didn't do while I was there? I didn't tell them how much greater America was than England. I didn't tell them how stupid they were to have a parliamentarian government instead of one like ours. I didn't scoff at their having a royal family or deride them for driving on the left side of the road. I also didn't tell them how bad off they were for not having the same freedom as we to protect ourselves...because, dear friends...they don't. No, what I did was live by a couple of simple rules. The first one was, 'When in Rome..'. The United Kingdom is what it is. The English are English, the Scottish are Scottish and the Welsh are Welsh. I lived as an Englander. I had no weapons at my ready disposal. I visited the local pubs. When I ate out, I learned that the crowd doesn't start showing up until eight or later. They don't eat early. I watched their news, read their papers, listened to their radio and never once tried to drive on the correct side of the road. To be quite frank, many of them...mostly males...were fascinated by our gun culture. Several times I had them ask me if I had any guns. My response? "I'm from Texas, dude. Of course I have guns." The conversation would then go to, 'How many?', 'What kinds?', and 'Why do you need them?'.  I never...not once...injected into a conversation as to why they didn't want them.

You see, it's a different culture. My second rule was that I wasn't there to change the culture. I was there to perform a job. I wasn't there to alienate people. I was there to get along. When it came to their way of life, I minded my own business. I was a visitor. And, even if I moved there permanently and established full-time residence, I wouldn't go on a crusade to change them. The same holds true for every other country I have been in. It's up to them to change if that's what they want to do. If they are content...leave, them, alone.

I know many, many people who have come here from the UK to stay. One of the first things most of them do is buy guns. They are elated at the freedom to buy guns and to possess them. As our founding fathers said, and even as old Great Britain patriarchs have said in the long ago past, no man is free unless he is armed. They have also discovered that the vast majority of gun murders here are between gang bangers fighting over their 'turf'. These UK ex-pats have found on their own that America is a safe country. Not only is it safe from the criminal and large...but an armed populace increases its safety from the government that looms over its people. I have no problem with UK folks coming here to work, live, play, raise their families and experience this great country of ours in any fashion they wish...except for one.

Don't come over here and blather about how much greater England is than America. England is England. America is America. Deal with it. But, my anger is really kindled...along with millions of other Americans....MILLIONS...when a goatsucker like Piers Morgan comes over here and has a voice on national TV and trumpets about how much more holier his thinking is than ours. Piers Morgan has no business telling us anything about what we should do within our borders, right or wrong. As he so aptly pointed out in his article, we already threw his ilk out of here and we did it because we had guns. We shot the crap out of the British until they cried 'Uncle!' and then we boarded their Redcoat asses on their boats and shipped them home where they belonged. Morgan had the audacity to point out that he wasn't against guns. He said that guns was what stopped Hitler. What? The lack of guns in the hands of the people was one reason he was able to be HITLER.

Piers Morgan can pontificate all he wants with his stats and his figures and his math. Anyone can make any case they want to with, con, or otherwise. He can even tell one of our citizens on his program that he's an incredibly stupid man and get away with it. He can spew his wimpy diatribe on our television channel until he's blue in the face. And I hope he carries out his 'threat' to deport himself, after a petition to the White House garnered nearly 100,000 signatures asking our government to deport him. In England, he and any other British citizen can say whatever they want about America, good or bad, and I will have no problem with it. But, to come over here and make U.S. Dollars hand over fist, on U.S. soil, living in a U.S. house, working on a U.S. TV station, eating U.S. food, drinking U.S. water, enjoying U.S. shops and...might I add... enjoying much much lower U.S. taxes from top to bottom??? One might think he would be somewhat grateful to be allowed to live in the greatest most powerful and free-est country the world has ever known and shut his pie-hole when it came to how we choose to live and under what rules. The best...BEST...thing he could do for America, is to frikkin' leave.

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