On Sunday, Nasty Pel...er...uh...Nancy Pelosi verbalized that the $600 billion dollars in tax increases was a good start, but that the government needed more 'revenue'. Revenue is the government's term for more of our money.
I once had a swimming pool. It was an 18,000 gallon, in ground pool with hot tub. The deep end was eight feet and it even had a diving board. The problem with having a pool is that it requires constant chemicalizing (my new word), cleaning, vacuuming, netting and what not. I spent more money keeping it swim worthy than I did spending time actually swimming in it. It was a money pit. Finally, I sold the house and swore never to have another pool of my own.
Our government is just like that pool. It demands more and more and more with little in return. Nasty Pelosi...uh...Nancy Pelosi...doesn't have to concern herself with higher taxes. In fact, nobody in congress has to worry about higher taxes. They all are either rich or have enough coming in to circumvent the hit...or, as government records show...there are a high number of government employees who don't even pay taxes. You don't become a congressman, or a senator, or even president unless you already are rich or have a rich circle of friends to subsidize your lifestyle.
Ms. Pelosi...there..the Ms. stops me from speaking my mind....lives in California...the highest taxed State in the union. That's all the politicians there know. Taxes, taxes and more taxes. Hell, I remember when I was back in school they taught us about a revolution that happened one time because of unfair taxation. Now, where was that again? Hmmmm.
The only good news is that Ms. Pelosi is the 'minority' leader in the House. She'll have hell getting any of her legislation passed there. But the American voter is a finicky animal. You never know how they're going to swing. Last November tells us that. When the next congressional election comes up, and if the Democrats re-take the house, we could see that $600 billion climb up to $1.4 trillion in taxes, without a penny's worth of spending cuts no doubt, since Obama has stated openly there is no spending problem. I wish I could live in such a dream world. Yet, alas, I don't.
I read an article yesterday where many people who voted for Obama are seeing their first paychecks this year and are steaming mad. I don't know why. They wanted him...politicked for him...worked to get him elected...and now they're mad? To believe a politician...any politician...is to be extremely and woefully naive. When you have the likes of Pelosi and her ilk walking hand in hand with a proven socialist minded president with their class warfare approach to society's ills, it won't be just the rich 1% who get in the rear end. It will be everybody. Lower class, middle class, and upper class. The red hot 'taxation' poker is going to jab us all. And to hear Pelosi speak on Sunday...she'd like to turn up the heat and jab that sucker in a little furth. In fact, none of them will be satisfied until they have us all working for them. And thus will end the American dream if they ever get their way.
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