Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Putin Playing Obama Like a Drum

It's almost too painful to laugh at the ineptitude and incompetence that's going on right now with this administration regarding foreign policy, specifically Syria. Pootin'...(that's how I like to spell Putin's name) ex-KGB. Obama? Ex-community organizer. Who did you think was going to win?

Yes, let's allow Russia to 'police' their ally and scrub Syria clean of all those nasty chemical weapons. We can trust the Russians. Right?

Our 'wannabe' world leader marked down a red line. Then, he says he didn't mark down a red line. He lauds the treaty (that over 180 nations signed), as the proof text for military action against Syria. Yet, (as it's been reported on several reputable news sites), nowhere does it say that if someone uses chemical weapons, the U.S. is to attack immediately...or anybody else for that matter. In fact, all you hear from those other nations is crickets right now. France was all for it a few days ago, but now has backed off. Obama is a man alone, as even the demoncrats are deserting his good ship Idiot Asylum. He comes to the American people to state his case, but there is something strange in his rhetoric. Let's see...he was against the war in Iraq and seriously questioned the government's intel report about WMD's. Now, since it's HIM talking...we are to implicitly trust this laughing stock and rush pell mell into a religious civil war among people that are equally idiotic as he is that (A) has not attacked us, (B) holds no strategic value for us and (C) will hate us regardless of what we do or don't do.

Hollywood is silent right now. Some have said they aren't speaking out because they don't want to look anti-black. Ain't that a hoot? I like what one reporter said. Here we had George Bush killing brown people and he was attacked from every direction by the media. Now, we have a half-black president killing brown people but if you say anything against him then you're a racist. Can you not see how ridiculous that is?

If anyone is a winner in all this it's Pootin'. Russia has come on the world stage as the freakin' peacekeeper. The alliance between Russia, Syria and Iran is much stronger now thanks to Obama, Kerry and lil' miss presidential wannabe, Hillary "I got fired from the Watergate investigation" Clinton. After Benghazi, why does anyone still want to hear anything she has to say? Incredible. Pootin' owns Obama right now, and probably will while this amateur leader is still in office. Russia's allies, while few...are emboldened because Russia's leader stands strong and speaks out, while our leader spews out hollow threats and then skulks back into his cave when things don't work out. For the first time in a long time, that can be called NEVER, we have a president who blinked during a Russian stand-off.

When you look at the two men, which one comes off looking more like a leader? If you say Obama...I feel for you. I thank God for those in this country that have said no to any military strike in Syria. America's voice was heard, and unlike Obamacare, this time it isn't a fragmented voice or a partisan voice. It's a unified voice. WE DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING MILITARILY IN SYRIA. If he does it anyway, then that should tell us all we do not have a president that is representative of what the American people want. He will then be nearer to a dictator than an elected official.

I would take Bill Clinton back in a heartbeat. He could even put Monica in the bedroom next to his for all I care. At least Clinton had backbone. Obama is devoid of any kind of skeletal structure, symbolically speaking. He's a worm squirming in hot ashes right now....and it's all of his own making. Pootin' is simply stirring the ashes with a stick, making sure Obama gets it on all sides.

From politics to policy to administrative and my the absolutely worst president in the history of the country. The only question that remains is....can we survive him?

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