Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Post Dedicated to My Friend: Rick in Katy, Tx

Everything is fine. Everything. There is nothing that is not fine. From the top of our government to the bottom of the homeless person begging on the street corner...everything is fine. Liberals are okay, conservatives are okay, and even Chris Matthews is fine.

The rain we are getting today is fine. Even though I can't see it, the sun has risen in the east and it is fine. Tonight, when it goes down in the west, everything will still be fine.

On Monday, I will start my new job, and it will be fine. Even though certain job placement 'experts' told me I would be hard to place...all is well.

The new bill passed by the senate was again....just like the Obamacare bill...not read prior to voting. But, no worries. All is fine. Everything is fine.

Our beloved Houston Texans are in the playoffs. All they had to do was win one of the last two games to be the number one seed...and instead lost them both to fall to the number three seed....BUT, at least they are in the playoffs, so everything is fine. Just fine. Fine and dandy.

Our military has decided to stop serving breakfast to our men and women in Afghanistan. Leaving the night crew with only one meal a day. But, it's not happening to us over here. So, everything is fine. Just peachy.

We all will see higher taxes this year, and our country is almost bankrupt and spending money we don't have seems to be the order of the day...but it does not matter. I am glad to pay my fair share and even beyond. You know why? Because everything is fine. Couldn't be finer. Couldn't possibly be more rosy than it is right now and will ever be.

I have a slow leak on my left front tire...I don't have health insurance...I've been scraping by the last three family has been cat just puked...and I remembered I left some fruit in the trunk of my car that has probably ruined by now and is smelling up the entire interior of my car like it's a Cuban pineapple factory!!!!!....BUT....(deep breath) everything is fine. No problems here. Nothing to see. Move along.

There are Christians telling me it's all right to break your word, that the church is okay and all I have to do is SEARCH to find a good one...when the opposite should be true if everything is OKAY. But, I'm not going to nit pick. All is outstanding, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and everything is fine. Just fine. Just fine!!!  JUST FINE!!!!

Our country looks like it's going to hell in a handbasket....11 states in or near bankruptcy...cities filing for bankruptcy...Nancy Pelosi still in office (AAAAGGGHHHH!!!)....idiots running congress and the White House....freedoms being threatened....liberty going out the window....strikes being threatened or in process....BUT....everything is frikkin' fine!!!! OKAY??!!!! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!!!!

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