Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Note to Teachers...

Public teachers are paid by the 'public'. It is our taxes that pay them....we...the public. Now, these taxes come from a broad spectrum of people. White people, black people, latino people, asian people...they all pay taxes. We come from different backgrounds, have different beliefs, different cultural habits, different political stances, etc. We are Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Muslim, atheist, agnostic et al. We are straight and gay. We are married or single. Many of us have children, and some don't. We are blue collar, white collar and then there are those who just suck off the system. Nevertheless, the point I'm making is that you can't cookie-cut and say this is what the American taxpayer looks like, acts like, and believes like. The varieties of taxpayers that are out there are limitless.

So, for some odd, inexplainable reason...there are teachers out there who feel like it is their duty to bring their own personal political, religious and cultural views into the classroom to exploit their position and power over students to indoctrinate them to their views. Or, they intentionally warp the syllabus to meet their own agenda and stop becoming a teacher; transforming themselves into some kind of saviour of truth. These are teachers we don't need as a society. They should be shown the door. Permanently.

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned. Why is that? Because these two conveniently forgot about all the differences that exist within the taxpayer base that pays their salary. As a lot of teachers these days, they mounted their white horses of 'I'm Better Than You' and 'I Know More Than You' and charged where even angels may fear to tread.

There are many taxpayers out there who are Christian. They don't pay for their children to be told they have to stomp on the name of their deity. They pay for their children to be educated apart from that teacher's slanted view on things religious. There are many taxpayers out there who are patriotic and who love this country and everything it stands for...right or wrong. They pay for their children to be educated apart from that teacher's slanted view on things national.

I can't help but chuckle to myself when I read about 'educators' going off on some kind of anti-Christian or anti-Jesus rant like this person at FAU. They aren't so tough. If they were, then at times they might demand their students write the name of Muhammed on a piece of paper and stomp on that. How do you think that would go over? No, I don't think matter how insane...would want nearly a billion muslims reading the latest fatwa about it being their duty to kill you the first chance they got. My advice to this 'teacher' at FAU is next time tell your students to write the name of every prophet, every god and every religion on a piece of paper and stomp on THAT. If you're going to insult somebody...go all the way, you gutless worm.

My message to teachers would be this. Teach your reading, writing and arithmetic. In civics, teach how our government is run. In history, don't re-write it to your personal pleasure....just teach it. But, leave your personal, liberal, god-hatin', religious hatin', country hatin', capitalist hatin' crap at the house. We, the taxpayer, don't want you teaching your values (or lack thereof) to our children. That's a parent's job. And if you don't think the parents are doing a good job? Keep quiet about it in the classroom...because that's not any of your business.

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